Mountains To CLIMB In The UK

The peaks are beckoning to you!

You don’t have to go very far to test your mettle—we Brits enjoy a challenge. Many mountains in the UK are ready for you to climb, and there are options for climbers of any skill level, so there are no excuses not to try. Here, we’ve compiled a list of mountains in the UK that, in our opinion, are must-climbs, including both the famous summits and some lesser-known but as rewarding peaks. If you do want to climb a mountain, be sure you are outfitted for the task. Avoid ascending in flimsy footwear or trainers, leave plenty of time to be at your destination before it gets dark, and always be prepared for various weather conditions. Frequently, the weather at the top will be considerably different from the bottom.

Ben Nevis, Lochaber, Scotland

Height: 1345m

‘The Ben,’ as it is popularly known locally, is the tallest mountain test one can do in the UK, so we had to start our list with it. Ben Nevis is a popular tourist destination since it is close to the little town of Fort William. Starting from Glen Nevis, most hikers ascend the mountain by the ‘easier’ Mountain Track. There are more ways to ascend the Ben, and the “North Face,” one of the UK’s tallest cliffs, is a popular destination for seasoned climbers. Ben Nevis’s top rises around 1345 metres above sea level.

Snowdon, Snowdonia, Wales

Height: 1085m

The tallest peak in Wales and England and the most visited mountain in the UK, Snowdon receives well over 585,000 tourists annually. Several well-travelled paths lead to Snowdon’s peak, with the Llanberis Path being the busiest. Due to its popularity, this mountain has high summer traffic, and with a tourist centre at the summit and a train to the top, it may lack the typical summit atmosphere of some of the other mountains on this list.

Scafell Pike, Lake District, England

Height: 978m

The Three Peak Challenge consists of Scafell Pike, the tallest mountain in England, Snowdon, and Ben Nevis. If you’re fortunate enough to have a crystal clear day, the peak of Scafell, at 978 metres, is the highest point for more than 90 miles around and, on a clear day, gives far-reaching vistas to Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The Broad Crag Tarn, the highest body of water in England, is located on Scafell Pike. In contrast to its taller neighbours, there are no structures at the summit of Scafell Pike. You may reach the summit by various paths, each requiring different levels of ability; the shortest way takes around 2-3 hours.

Tryfan, Snowdonia, Wales

Height: 917m

According to Trail Magazine, Trail Magazine several years ago, Tryfan reportedly won the public poll for Britain’s favourite mountain. Despite being the fifteenth highest structure in Wales, this favourite has much to offer. It is recognisable and simple to identify the location, with a pointed tip that resembles a fin comprised of three ridges. Tryfan is regarded as straddling the boundary between wandering and climbing since, as you approach the peak, you’ll need to use both your hands and feet to get there. Tryan is not for the weak of heart or the unfit; if not treated with care, it may be hazardous. The North Ridge is the most used ascent route.


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